Sunday, November 3, 2019

Midea and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Midea and society - Essay Example The User Generated Content consists of a wide range of media content (Jenkins, 2008). It uses a variety of applications and insights in news, gossip and research. Likewise, social media and blogging also fall into this criterion. User Generated Content initiates a combination of free software and legal licensing to reduce barriers that hinder communication. In the United Kingdom, the leading media network (British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC) first set up it User Generated Content back in 2005. It was inactive for a few weeks since its inception, but later became alive after the London bombings and Buncefield fire, in the same year. BBC realised its significance when their viewers shared photos of the Buncefield incident. They capitalised on the User Generated Content, which created a platform for the society to integrate their views on issues and even share firsthand information on witnessed scenarios (Jenkins, 2008). This revolutionised the media industry and gave an opportunity for individuals in the society also to become journalists. Through this new advancement, their stories and experiences would be heard across the globe (Jenkins, 2008). Soon, Sky News also followed this norm. Since its inception, the media house has seen an improvement in its number of viewers worldwide (Jenkins, 2008). They implore their viewers to continue sharing their photos and videos regularly. The sharing of photographs and videos is not all that is constituted in the User Generated Content. Media houses also provide a chance to its customers to take part in conveying their messages to the world. is a South Korean online newspaper that uses its readers to write some articles in English. This is a way of reaching out to compete with other like-minded websites such as The Guardian (Williams, 2004). The User Generated Content has been faced with a few challenges. The art of User Generated Content has derailed the journalism profession, as well as what it entails (Bu rton, 2007). This is particularly on the value of information of some User Generated Content. More so, concerns have been raised on the standards of the contents in terms of grammar punctuation and accuracy. Another key factor of consideration is the impact that these contents have on the mainstream of the media house (Burton, 2007). This is a concern that has been debated over the years as editors in media houses like The Sun, UK, have complained of some of having a tremendous work load to edit some of the mistakes from their consumers. In this field, many individuals purchase newspapers and read their blogs because they know that the content has been written by professionals (Bale, 2006). Furthermore, there have been instances of pornographic contents from the consumers. For instance, the Los Angeles Times accidentally published pornographic content in its website after they allowed its users to publish contents in their website (Burton, 2007). Other incidents of racism have also been reported by Another issue is the availability of blogs. The editor of does not think that blogs suit journalists in any professional manner. Blogs invite writers to post their stories and some of these stories are mediocre and dull. They provide a platform of having insulting comments below the original blogs. Blogs emphasise more on the personality of the writer and less on the message being conveyed (Burton, 2007). In the UK, there is

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